Vitamin D Not just for strong bones and teeth anymore!
The last year has seen numerous reports on the efficacy of Vitamin D, and these reports are no less than astounding. It seems that when circulating levels of Vitamin D are optimal, our chances of getting all kinds of ailments is reduced. A recent study out of Austria touts that if you have good Vitamin D levels your chances of dying of any disease is cut by half. Do you realize what I just said? This is amazing, almost unbelievable and is slowly starting to impact the medical world.
Vitamin D seems to have a preventative effect in numerous ailments including: heart disease, autoimmune diseases, cancers, stroke, depression, chronic pain, muscle wasting diseases, periodontal problems and birth defects.
The best way to get Vitamin D is sunshine. About 20 minutes in the sun, without sunscreen or sunglasses will give you about 20,000 units. If you get no sun at all, you need about 4,000 units per day added to your diet, generally through supplements. People with average sun exposure, should probably take about 2,000 units extra per day.
The information is slowly leaking out. Why slowly? You would think something this dramatic would be everywhere. If a drug company came up with a pill this effective, it would be plastered on every billboard, TV commercial and website. What gives? The problem is, you can't patent a vitamin. Anybody can make it and it only costs about $10 for a two month supply. Our drug companies are arguably the largest lobby in the country. Hmmm. Watch out for the next step...perscription vitamins.
Call me cynical...... we'll see.
Stay tuned.
PS. Search Vitamin D on the web. See what you get..pretty cool!