Spring is in the air!
Spring is in the air ........ finally!!
Tis the season for flowers and grass ........ as well as the season for aches and pains.
Most neck and back problems do not require surgery or intensive therapy, but not taking care of them can lead to misery and problems in the future.
With today's large deductibles and shrinking coverage, conservative chiropractic care only makes sense. Why start with expensive orthopedic or neurologic evaluation when simple chiropractic adjustments generally do the trick? If your problem proves more serious, we can always refer you for further testing and make the appropriate referral if necessary.
At the Frisco Chiropractic Center, we pride ourselves on focusing on your problems, treating them in a timely, efficient and cost effective manner. Just taking medicine to mask the problem, can allow a more serious condition to form.
We have the abililty to diagnose, x-ray if necessary, and do treatment all in one facility.
We are also happy to see you in a timely fashion, without waiting days or weeks.
The clinic prides itself on straightforward care without gimmicks or fear tactics.
We also have fantastic REAL therapeutic massage therapists. You may not get your nails done with the massage, but we will get to the root of the problem.
Referrals are always appreciated. As always, if you send a new patient to the clinic, make sure they put you down as referring them and we will put a $10 credit on your account to use as you please.
Thanks for entrusting us with your musculoskeletal health care needs over the last 20 plus years.
Dr Loughridge
and the staff of Frisco Chiropractic Center